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Whittington Parish Council

Parish Council update - September 2020

Added on 06 October 2020


  • The Parish Council had planted several trees in Great Whittington to replace those felled.
  • Permission had been granted to fell two trees outside the Old Blacksmiths Cottage due to their proximity to the building.  Shrubs will be planted in this area. 

  • Reports had been received of dog fouling in Great Whittington.  Residents are reminded to ALWAYS pick up after their dog.  A new litter bin is to be installed in the village and signs reminding dog walkers to pick up after their dog will be erected.
  • The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Tuesday 24 November 2020 at 19:30.  The Parish Council continues to meet virtually however residents are welcome to join the meeting.  The zoom link is published on the website approximately 1 week before the meeting.
  • Whittington Parish Council is looking for a new clerk. We meet bi-monthly on Tuesday evenings and the meetings generally last an hour and a half. The new clerk will work from home and would be contracted to work 9.5 hours per month including attendance at the Council meetings.  The position requires good financial, administrative, organisational, computer and communication skills.  If anyone is interested in applying for this post please telephone Mandy Senior on 07950 297634 or email for further information. 


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